Nissan SR20 S13 (62/63-E5) 64 Position PNP Adapter For EMU Classic

Product image 1Nissan SR20 S13 (62/63-E5) 64 Position PNP Adapter For EMU Classic
Product image 2Nissan SR20 S13 (62/63-E5) 64 Position PNP Adapter For EMU Classic
Product image 3Nissan SR20 S13 (62/63-E5) 64 Position PNP Adapter For EMU Classic

Regular price $179.10 Sale price $199.00

Adapter for the Nissan S13 SR20DET allows easier installation of the EMU Classic standalone ECU to the 62/63-E5 ECU harness without spending hours making your own harness. EMU Classic ECU sold separately.

This adapter will also fit some S14 64-pin ECU harness configurations and S15 64-pin harness configuration with QT and NQ labeled ECUs. 

Email us if you have questions if which Nissan adapter will work with your configuration. 

Link to see all 64-pin Nissan adapters 

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